A stump grinder will simply not work……………

PINPOINT Vegetation Removal Services: The skilled targeted removal (including stump) of unwanted mature deciduous and/or evergreen bushes, ornamental trees, wild vegetation, etc. found growing in areas inaccessible to standard removal equipment (skid steer, mini-excavator, stump grinder, etc.). To tread lightly and cautiously while manually and/or chemically eliminating unwanted vegetation.

Here are a few unique circumstances where our skilled pinpoint removal techniques really shine!
Manual removal of small trees and evergreens from timber or concrete block enclosed raised bed areas.
Chemical control (total plant kill) of wild deciduous vegetation (buckthorn, mulberry, etc.) found growing directly within chain-link/wood fencing and/or desirable hedge rows (arborvitaes, honeysuckle, privet, etc.).
Manual removal of unwanted bushes located within custom wood deck surrounded areas.
Manual removal of unwanted bushes (both deciduous and evergreen) located directly atop buried natural gas lines and other underground utilities.

Please be sure to contact our team at Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any questions or service requests you may have. Thank you for visiting our site and have a great day!
