If you are one of the unlucky few this summer season that have discovered grub related damage to your lawn, please read on.

Everyone loves a beautiful healthy lawn, but you should know that your lawn can be destroyed in just a few days if white grubs (in particular) are allowed to feed freely on your lawn’s root system.

Grubs are the larval stage (four stages of development = egg, larva, pupa and adult) of beetles (European Chafer, Japanese Beetle and June Beetles). As the larvae mature they tend to feed more aggressively on grass roots near the soil surface. Animal (skunks, racoons, etc.) digging/feeding occurs during this phase and if grub populations are high enough (over 11 grubs per square foot warrants curative insecticide application), lawn damage will occur.

A few strategies exist in regard to lawn grub control. One would be to do nothing, monitor the lawn and see what happens. This approach can be risky since most grub discoveries are made after the lawn has been damaged and after animals have begun to tear apart the lawn in search of grubs to eat. The other strategy would be to take preventative measures to ensure little to no risk of grub infestation. A preventative insecticide like Merit can be applied in early summer to prevent grub problems entirely.

Please be sure to contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any lawn care questions or concerns you may have. We stand ready to help any way we can.
Thank you for visiting our site and have a great day!
