It's only after you realize that a lawn is nothing more than a low-growing forest, a managed forest, consisting of thousands of individual grass plants, of varying variety and age, do you begin to notice the differences amongst the population of plants.
One particular perennial cool-season grass plant that seemingly invades more than it is purposely planted, is bentgrass.

Bentgrass is a fairly light, bright green colored grass plant that spreads by shallow roots (stolons). It is a cool-season perennial grass that grows rapidly in cool and wet conditions. Bentgrass is commonly found on golf course putting greens and withstands low-mowing very well. Since bentgrass does not tolerate long periods of dry weather, and takes on a shaggy appearance when mowed tall (2-1/2"to 3-1/2"), it is not an ideal grass plant for a midwest cool-seson residential lawn.
In most cases you will see bentgrass growing in stand alone patches, on older lawns, and if left uncontrolled, will slowly spread over time if certain environmental conditions exist (soil continuously wet, adjacent grass varities become stressed by low mowing, etc.).

When purchasing and planting grass seed, always scrutinize your seed blend label on the bag to ensure that creeping bentgrass seed is not included.

Please contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. to find out how we can help control unwanted bentgrass at your property and restore your lawn using a series of plant control methods, pin-point lawn repair and/or complete lawn renovation techniques. Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day!