Whenever planning to install new or modify an existing buried downspout drain, you need to be very aware of solid debris that can easily enter your buried drainage system and cause future problems. Whether it’s leaves, small branches, tree acorns/seed, asphalt roof shingle granules or any other debris that can enter your downspout by way of unprotected/uncovered gutters, a buried downspout drain system will eventually fail unless certain precautions are taken.

Here are 5 tips to ensure a trouble-free buried gutter downspout drain system.
1). Create an air-gap below your downspout (between downspout outlet and catch basin inlet). It is always a good idea to leave a bit of space (1″ to 4″+/-) between the end of your downspout and entry point of buried drain system to allow water to escape downspout if in the event your buried drain system becomes inoperable. We have seen many poorly designed buried downspout drains over the years that were direct connected (no air-gap) and eventually became clogged due to a lack of regular maintenance or by having no debris protection (atop roof gutters and/or atop buried drain inlet).

2). Reduce entry of large debris into buried drainage system by installing a grate covered catch basin at inlet point (ground level). Not only will most large sized debris get stopped from entering buried drain system via catch basins grate cover, but smaller sized debris that manages to pass through will settle to bottom of catch basin (instead of inside pipe) where it can be easily removed at some point in the future.

3). Add a catch basin filter for extra protection against unwanted small granular sized debris from entering into buried drain pipe.

4). Clean sump base of catch basin (and optional filter) annually to ensure long term buried drain system success. Most downspout catch basins can be easily cleaned out by simply unscrewing the top grate cover and shoveling out or vacuuming any/all settled debris that has accumulated in sump of catch basin.

5). Occasionally inspect top of catch basin (once per month recommended) to ensure the grate cover is free and clear of debris.

Please be sure to contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any exterior residential drainage improvement needed at your Chicagoland area property. Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to being of service to you!